
Training program - Ectomorph

The ectomorph is a slow-growing individual with a fast metabolism that makes it difficult to gain weight and build muscle quickly. The main problem faced by ectomorphs is weight and muscle gain which will be slow and will require special effort. If you are ectomorph and you...

Diet program: Weight loss goal

Discover a complete diet program on cutting and weight loss. You will finally know the principles of general nutrition as well as the specificities of the Slimming and Weight Loss diet. Finally, you will find a slimming and weight loss program with training. Goal: Reduce caloric intake to...

Mesomorphic Bodybuilder Training Program

Train intelligently The key to success is to find the most effective way to build your physique by playing on the various training parameters and on your favorable bases (specific to Mesomorphs). By learning as much as possible about training, you will be able to gain lean mass quickly. BODYBUILDER...

How to do a cutting

The cut is the most difficult phase an athlete goes through. Whether you are a man or a woman, a beginner or a confirmed athlete, you will probably have to deal with it. Highly cardio oriented workouts, a low calorie diet, some associate it with torture. It is...