What are the most effective steroids for muscle growth?

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What are the most effective steroids for muscle growth?

There are many androgenic-anabolic steroids (AAS) available for rapid muscle growth. However, it should be noted that the effectiveness of these (SAAs) also depends on your training program and diet.

It is worth mentioning up front that there is no magic pill, liquid, powder or injection that will stimulate your skeletal muscles, and that you must indeed put in the necessary work through training and diet in order to obtain the mass gains you want.

In this article we will briefly explain how steroids work, how you can use AAS for bodybuilding, their benefits and how to get steroids safely.

How do the best steroids for muscle growth work?

Muscle growth supplements like AAS work by providing your body with substantial amounts of exogenous testosterone. Natural testosterone is responsible for stimulating most male characteristics, including muscle growth, but with steroids, your body will be flooded with a large amount of exogenous testosterone in order to hyper-stimulate these male characteristics. When bodybuilding steroids are used, they bind to androgen receptors throughout the body and promote many anabolic responses that notably lead to skeletal muscle growth.

Typically, the best steroids for muscle growth trigger an increase in growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1).

Steroids also promote nitrogen retention as well as C4 and C1INH protein synthesis in skeletal muscle tissues. These anabolic activities lead to the growth of skeletal muscles.

How to use fast muscle growth steroids in bodybuilding?

In order to understand how to use rapid muscle growth steroids in bodybuilding, it is first important to know which AAS you can and should actually use.

Powerful steroids for bodybuilding are mainly available in oral and injectable form. However, by their very nature, injectable steroids are believed to be the most effective for develop muscle mass in a short period of time.

This is because injectable steroids for bodybuilding are usually administered intramuscularly and therefore have a direct positive effect on skeletal muscle rather than being metabolized and absorbed into the bloodstream as is the case with oral steroids.

That being said, we have highlighted some of the best steroids for muscle growth in the table below:









8 weeks

50 – 100mg per day


Deca Durabolin


12 weeks

200 – 600mg per day




4 – 6 weeks

30 – 50 mg per day




8 – 12 weeks

300 – 400mg per day


Testosterone (cypionate, enanthate or propionate esters)


10 – 12 weeks

500 – 600mg per day


Trenbolone (acetate or enanthate)


10 weeks

300 – 600mg per day

You can use these steroids in a standalone cycle or in a stack, the latter involving the use of one or more bulking steroids with your primary rapid muscle growth steroid of choice.

With oral steroids, you are at risk of damaging your liver and/or kidneys because the metabolism of these steroids often takes place in these organs. Dianabol or Dbol, for example, is a hepatotoxic steroid that can damage the liver if misused.

The recommended cycles in the table are for reference only. You should always consult a qualified physician and/or personal bodybuilding trainer before undertaking any cycle or series of AAS.

It is also important to note that before you even start a cycle you should have a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plan in place, this way you will be able to kick start the normal functions of your bodily hormones like testosterone. endogenous which is suppressed when you begin a bulking cycle which involves flooding your body system with large amounts of exogenous testosterone.

A problem you may experience with steroids like Trenbolone or Tren and testosterone enanthate or Test E is the conversion of these steroids by aromatization into estrogen hormones. As a male bodybuilder and steroid user, high estrogen levels will lead to feminization side effects, such as water retention and man boobs (gynecomastia).

You may need to use anti-estrogen medications and/or aromatase inhibitors (AIs) at the same time as your cycle. Aromasin and Proviron are great for regulating your estrogen levels.

With a PCT plan in place, you will be able to get your adrenal gland and testicles producing testosterone again at the end of your cycle.

PCT medications like Clomid and Nolvadex are very effective in restoring the balance of your body's natural hormones, including endogenous testosterone.


Benefits of Steroids for Fast Muscle Growth

The best steroids for muscle growth work by stimulating the production of human growth hormone (HGH), insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), collagen, and red blood cells (RBCs). These steroids also stimulate nitrogen retention and C4 and C1INH protein synthesis, among other bodily functions.

All of these anabolic activities go a long way in improving your muscle tone and overall athletic performance.

Firstly, an increase in HGH, IGF-1, nitrogen retention and protein synthesis will help stimulate muscle growth and promote rapid healing of muscle tears.

Additionally, increasing collagen production leads to stronger bone structure through increased bone density. Increased collagen also ensures rapid healing of bone-related injuries, including minor fractures and complex fractures.

Additionally, increased RBC counts lead to increased supply of oxygen-rich blood to the entire body system and organs, including skeletal muscles.

With more oxygenated blood circulating to your muscle tissues, you will experience less muscle fatigue because the buildup of lactic acid in your muscle tissues will be slower than usual.

Additionally, your energy levels will increase, you'll feel stronger than ever, and your strength and endurance levels will go up a notch or two.

With a well-toned muscle structure, you will be able to compete favorably in your favorite bodybuilding event. Steroids can help you succeed by promoting lean, hard, lean, vascular muscles.

However, you should never neglect the importance of a good workout routine, diet, and recovery plan. Every time you engage in a high intensity training (HIIT), you're working your muscles hard, leading to wear and tear.

Your muscles heal on your rest days, and during recovery they will add an extra layer of mass to give you the muscle mass you want. Muscle growth supplements promote rapid healing and increased muscle mass during recovery from a HIIT session.

How to get safe steroids?

Besides knowing how to use AAS, getting safe steroids is arguably the most important thing you can do. The last thing you want when on a bodybuilding cycle is to use fake or fake steroids.

The dangers of using such products should never be underestimated, as they can be detrimental to your health and can even cause sudden death in extreme cases. But since it's not possible to walk into a pharmacy and ask for steroids, you have to rely on other sources to get your supply.

There are many dealers on the black market and, truth be told, not all of them are reliable or even trustworthy.

However, if you are looking for a source of authentic AAS from some of the most trusted and internationally reputable pharmaceutical companies, you won't do yourself any harm by turning to us.

At 2GETmass, we provide authentic steroids from the best pharmaceutical laboratories around the world. You can get both bulk and weight loss steroids for your respective bodybuilding program.

Additionally, we also offer liver protectants like Samarin or LIV-52, antiestrogens and AIs like Clomid, Nolvadex, Aromasin, and Proviron to help regulate estrogen hormones during your cycle and to boost your natural testosterone production after your cycle. We also offer a free consultation with a respected and experienced IFBB professional.


Examples of mass gain packs provided by the best brands on 2GETmass


Final Thoughts

Finally, you should never ignore the impact that regular workouts and diet can have on muscle growth.

Many bodybuilders actually opt for an all-natural or “natty” diet, as bodybuilders like to call it. The only problem is, not everyone has the genetics to look chiseled after a HIIT session.

For many, a workout routine supported by the use of steroids is the best option. If you are part of this category of bodybuilders, we advise you not to start a cycle without first having a medical examination and consulting an experienced bodybuilder who will be able to explain to you the do's and don'ts of use. of steroids.

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