What are the best steroids for women ?

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What are the best steroids for women ?

When we talk about steroids, the first image that comes to mind is often the one of a very muscular man but more rarely that of a woman. However, many of them today are enjoying the benefits of anabolic steroids, both for personal and sports use.

Like a man, taking steroids by a woman may have side effects such as virilization (hair growth, worsening tone of voice or clitoral enlargement in women). It is for this reason that many pro and amateur female athletes prefer light steroids like Oxandrolone which has become somewhat of a darling of the ladies.


The Top 4 Anabolic Steroids Suitable For Women


Best steroids for women

Used at a normal and recommended dosage, theoxandrolone does not disrupt hormonal cycles or metabolism because it aromatizes very little and therefore does not disturb your androgen / estrogen levels. Its androgenic effects are almost non-existent, so it does not cause any virilization. Hoarseness of the voice, baldness and other disadvantages linked to virilization should therefore be excluded.

Oxandrolone causes fat burning and therefore a firming of the muscles and an optimization of the strength, properties sought by many users. It should be noted that Oxandrolone does not cause water retention. The risks of arterial hypertension or edema are therefore also to be excluded.

The small downside is that users looking for a mass gain will have to take it in "stack", i.e. combine it with another stronger product, Oxandrolone not providing this mass gain.

An Oxadrolone/Dianabol stack, for example, will provide lean mass gain with low water retention, ideal for bodybuilding, while weightlifters will turn to an Oxandrolone/Anadrol stack (high in androgens) for strength gain and muscle building. dense.

See our products: Oxandrolone


Cytomel T3

For weight loss, many sportswomen are turning to products such as " Cytomel t3 » which is not an anabolic but a thyroid hormone which burns fat very quickly in the same way as steroids like « Winstrol " where the " Primobolan ".

See our products: T3 Cytomel



The Clenbuterol which is an anticatabolic can also be used for weight loss. Initially intended for veterinary use, its anticatabolitic effects promote mass loss.

See our products: Clenbuterol



There is also a popular appetite suppressant in the industry, "the Reductil ". This medicine contains "sibutra-mine". This anorectic molecule increases the feeling of satiety and therefore reduces the feeling of hunger. It is a very effective product but it must be taken with great care. feel free to ask for advice from our specialists.

See our products: Reductil


We advise women to go for steroid packs Clenbuterol / T3 and Winstrol / Anavar.

Comments (10)

  • kirstine Reply


    Jeg er kvinde på 40, som træner 5-6 gange om ugen. Styrketræning både alene og med personlig træner samt crossfit.
    Jeg har fået tonede skuldre og arme og vil gerne have “hjælp” til at blive lidt mere tonet. BMI ligger på ca 20, fedtprocenten er højere end hvad der er smart, men lige nu er jeg ikke super motivateret for at gøre det store.

    Jeg overvejer at prøve oxandrolon i meget lav dosis – city det give mening mon? Udelukkende med henblik på at få hjælp til yderligere “toning” af musklerne.

    April 14, 2023 at 7:22 pm
    • 2GETMASS Reply

      God Morgen,

      Faktisk vil en cyklus af Anavar selv ved lava doser give dig mulighed for at nå de mål, du har sat.

      Men den nøjagtige dosis vil afhænge af andre faktorer som højde, vægt, specifikke mål.

      For at vi kan vejlede dig så effektivt som muligt, vil jeg råde dig til at udfylde den gratis coachinganmodningsformular. Vi beslutter derefter den dosis, der passer dig bedst.

      Du kan få adgang til denne formular via debt link:


      Med venlig hilsen,


      April 15, 2023 at 8:42 am
  • Lola Reply

    I am a healthy female in her thirties. I want to lose a lot of weight about 20kg by the end of the year.
    I already do a lot of sport but my weight loss on the scale is not progressing much 3kg lost in 6 months.
    Could I have a recommendation for a pack for faster loss?

    March 26, 2022 at 10:44 am
    • 2GETMASS Reply


      In order for us to be able to advise you better, we would need more information about you.

      I therefore ask you to contact us via the form:


      We will be happy to find you the best products so that you can lose weight with confidence.

      Best regards,

      March 29, 2022 at 2:01 pm
  • Monica Reply

    Sono una ragazza che si affaccerà nella sua prima gara. Mi chiedevo, esiste un qualcosa sua per la massa che per la definizione che non mi porterà dei sides rilevanti e visibili,? Ho parlato con tantissime atlete ma non c’è nessuna che mi abbia detto di non avere avuto delle conseguenze

    March 8, 2022 at 7:47 pm
    • 2GETMASS Reply


      Ci sono prodotti che sono molto adatti alle donne, questi prodotti non causeranno alcun effetto negative per te. Tuttavia, devi stare molto attento al dosaggio e alla durata del ciclo.

      Ti inviteo a compilare il modulo di contatto e ti ricontatteremo al più presto:


      Greetings cordially,

      March 17, 2022 at 12:24 pm
  • Gomez Reply

    Hello, I'm 54 years old, I've always played sports...I would like a natural but effective muscle gain...I feel like I'm scaring soprt away for nothing..can you advise me, I don't want to lose weight, just build muscle with a little help…thank you..

    January 4, 2022 at 3:12 pm
    • 2GETMASS Reply

      Hello Miss,

      The best is that you contact us directly via the form.

      Together we will develop the cycle that suits you, that corresponds to your goals and your physique.


      January 25, 2022 at 12:59 pm
  • Emma Reply

    My friends and some family members tell me about the awesome appetite suppressant Reductil when none of them have used this drug. Can any of us provide me with a testimonial on Reductil?

    September 18, 2016 at 3:51 pm
    • 2GETMASS.to Reply

      Hello Emma,

      For better information, do not hesitate to seek advice from our specialists.
      I invite you to complete the free training form. We will give you personalized advice.
      The model can be seen here: https://2getmass.to/conseils-gratuits-cycles/

      May 13, 2021 at 2:17 pm

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