Everything you need to know about Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)

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Everything you need to know about Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)

You've decided to start a strength training program, binge on calories, and even begin a cycle of androgenic-anabolic steroids (AAS). But have you thought about the implications of using AAS?

Many beginners do not understand that using anabolic steroids, especially those that are derived from testosterone, can actually suppress natural testosterone production and cause imbalances in your body's hormonal levels, as well as side effects. more or less important.

However, you can minimize the side effects of AAS, restore normalcy to your endogenous testosterone production, and maintain natural hormonal functions by developing and implementing a well-structured post-cycle therapy (PCT) plan.

The problem is that few people know about the PCT protocol, and many of those who do aren't even sure what it entails and how to go about it. But don't worry, because this article is intended as a guide to help you understand what PCT is, including what it involves, when you should start the protocol, how long it should last, and the medications pharmaceuticals generally used during PCT.

What is Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)?

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is a plan that every anabolic steroid user must prepare and implement after their steroid cycle. Using steroids can flood your body with exogenous testosterone, which can cause your natural testosterone production to be suppressed.

Typically, anabolic steroids should be used in cycles to avoid the development of tolerance to the performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) included in the cycle. Additionally, using steroids in cycles rather than indiscriminately will give the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis (HPTA) sufficient time to stimulate endogenous testosterone production.

The hypothetical-pituitary-gonadal axis is responsible for regulating your body's production of natural hormones, and after your steroid cycle, the hypothetical-pituitary-gonadal axis system will gradually restore your hormone production to normal. endogenous testosterone.

However, the synthetic exogenous hormones produced by AAS use can disrupt your body's hormonal balance and your HPTA system needs a boost to help regulate your endogenous hormonal functions.

PCT is a protocol designed to help stimulate your body's natural production of testosterone and normalize your overall hormonal functions.
Steroid use, even in cycle, can cause side effects, the severity of which depends on several factors, including dosage, frequency of administration, and duration of use of anabolic steroids.

Male users may experience feminization side effects due to the increase in the hormone estrogen caused by the aromatization of exogenous testosterone in the body. Some of these side effects of feminization include water retention, loss of libido and gynecomastia.

As for female steroid users, they are at risk of masculinization side effects such as breast atrophy, deeper voice, and hair loss, among other side effects.

Other side effects such as acne, fatigue, droid rage, anxiety and depression can also be experienced by steroid users apart from suppressing natural testosterone levels and increasing estrogen levels.

But with a PCT protocol, you will not only restore the natural production of testosterone in your body, but also improve your overall health by mitigating the possible side effects that can result from your use of anabolic steroids during a cycle.


When to start post cycle therapy after a steroid cycle?

Now that you know what PCT is and why you need this protocol, it is also important to know when you should start PCT after your steroid cycle. It is normally advisable to wait a week or so before starting a PCT protocol.

You should start your PCT after the steroids you used during a cycle have been eliminated from your body. To do this, it is essential to know the half-life of steroids. Half-life is basically the time it takes for a steroid to be eliminated from a person's body system.

This is why it is essential that you establish a PCT plan before the start of your steroid cycle, as this plan would take into account the half-life of the steroids you intend to use during your cycle in order to provide a precise timetable for the start of your PCT protocol.

When does a PCT protocol end?

Typically, your post-cycle therapy lasts between 4 and 6 weeks from the time the steroids you used during a cycle have been completely eliminated from your body or the half-life of the steroids has been reached.

However, in some circumstances it may be necessary to complete a PCT cycle for more than 6 weeks. It is important to note that slow release anabolic steroids tend to stay in the body much longer than fast release steroids.

It is therefore necessary for you to know the half-life of each steroid in your stack, in order to know which steroids are fast release and which are slow release esters, which will help you plan your post cycle therapy.
What medications are part of a typical post-cycle treatment?

Treatment plan?

Medications recommended as part of a post-cycle treatment protocol may vary from person to person based on individual needs.

While there are estrogen blockers and testosterone boosters that can easily be purchased over the counter at your local pharmacy, these products may not be sufficient for someone on an anabolic steroid cycle.

However, there are PCT prescription medications known as Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs) that are common in most post cycle therapy plans and the two most recommended SERMs are:

#1. Clomiphene

Also known under the brand name “Clomid“, this SERM targets estrogen receptors in the pituitary and hypothalamus, stimulating the release of follicle-stimulating (FSH) and luteinizing (LH) hormones which are both vital for your sexual health and fertility, because These hormones are responsible for increasing your libido and sperm count.

#2. Tamoxifen

Also known under the brand name “Nolvadex”. This SERM will help significantly reduce your overall estrogen levels while protecting your body from a flood of estrogen that can lead to estrogen-related side effects as well as other health problems, such as cardiovascular problems and prostate diseases.

Other considerations during PCT

#1. Beware of PCT catabolism

Post-cycle catabolism is the breakdown of your body's tissues, including skeletal muscle tissue, during your PCT.

The last thing you want as a bodybuilder is to go through a steroid cycle and achieve muscle mass gains only to have those gains wiped out due to catabolism from post cycle therapy.

To avoid post-cycle treatment catabolism, you should consider using supplements like acetyl-l-carnitine and phosphatidylserine with your choice of SERM.

These supplements help reduce your overall cortisol hormone levels, which is important because the cortisol (stress) hormone is known to be responsible for post-cycle catabolism.

Besides breaking down your muscle tissue, catabolism can also promote the increase in body fat.

#2. Training during the PCT

You'll do a lot to preserve your strength and muscle mass gains during PCT by maintaining a regular training schedule. All you need to be aware of is the level of intensity you put into your workout.

Don't overtrain or overexert yourself with high-intensity interval training during your PCT, you can keep training intensity and volume low to medium.

#3. Rest and recovery are essential

Rest and recovery are essential during the aftercare period because your body naturally recovers faster during the rest period. Rest is also important to stay healthy.

#4. Good nutrition is essential

A good, clean, balanced diet is essential to your health and how quickly your body recovers during the post-cycle therapy period.

Eating foods rich in fiber and protein as well as micronutrients will speed up your recovery.

#5. Stay hydrated

You need to stay hydrated at all times, but especially during your PCT cycle. Drink water to stay hydrated and avoid alcoholic beverages, energy drinks, sodas and other beverages that can harm your overall health.


There are a lot of things that go into bodybuilding, and if you want to supplement your bodybuilding program with the use of anabolic steroids, you also need to be prepared to develop a post-cycle therapy plan that would be best suited. to combat possible side effects arising from your steroid cycle while boosting your overall physical and mental health.

As a beginner, you should always seek help from a qualified medical expert and bodybuilder who would be willing to guide you through your journey by making sure your training, nutrition, steroid cycle and your post-cycle therapy plan are correct.

If you want to get started with bodybuilding and steroid use, you can get free coaching from the professionals at 2GetMass today.

Comments (2)

  • Rouxroux Reply

    Hello, I did a course of oral Turinabol and testosterone for 8 weeks.

    week 1a6 testo. E 250 mg week
    Week 1a8 turinabol 50 mg /day
    Liver protection every day

    Pct: start 14 days after the last testosterone injection and 24 hours after the turi

    First day 100 mg clomid 50 novaldex
    Second day. Same
    3 to 30th day 50 mg clomid and 25 novaldex

    Here I am on the 20th day of relaunch and I feel very tired, stressed and my libido is low.
    Did I make a mistake in my recovery? Can you please advise me?

    December 16, 2024 at 8:58 am
    • 2GETMASS Reply

      Your recovery is correct, but given the lightness of your cycle, it may seem a little heavy. The fatigue, stress and decreased libido you are experiencing may be related to the high dose of SERMs (Clomid and Nolvadex) you are taking. These medications can cause side effects, including hormonal fluctuations.
      For a more accurate opinion, I recommend getting a blood test to check your hormone levels. If your symptoms persist or your levels remain low, you may need to adjust your protocol. In the meantime, continue to live a healthy lifestyle, making sure to get plenty of sleep, eat a balanced diet, and manage stress.
      Please keep us informed.
      Good for you,

      December 17, 2024 at 5:10 am

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