NANBOLIC-P (Nandrolone-Propionate) - Cooper Pharma - 250mg / ml - 10 Ampoules of 1ml


Nandrolone propionate has a potent anabolic action which stimulates protein synthesis and exerts a large accumulation of proteins in muscle cells. This action is associated with a moderate androgenic component, which stimulates the phenomenon of regeneration in the athlete, and allows him during a diet to maintain his muscle mass. Nandrolone propionate caused significantly less water retention than nandrolone decanoate. Nandrolone propionate is, therefore, a product more suitable for preparation for competitions, while nandrolone decanoate is more indicated when looking for an increase in strength and muscle mass.

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Laboratory: Cooper


Nanbolic-P Cooper Pharma 10 Ampoules of 1ml: 250mg / ml

  • Laboratory: Cooper Pharma
  • Form: Injection
  • Ingredients: Nandrolone 
  • Concentration: 250mg / Ml
  • Presentation : 10 ampoules of 1ml
  • Dosage: 250 - 500 mg / week
  • Type: VSfirmness / dryness / mass gain stabilization cycle
  • Protection during cycle : Anti-estrogen: Take 0.5mg of Arimidex in ED (every day) or take 1mg of Arimidex in EOD (every 2 days).
  • Pct post cycle therapy: Nolvadex and Clomid during the recovery: 1 of each per day for 20 days.
  • Level: All Users

Information about Nandrolone Propionate

Nandrolone propionate has a potent anabolic action which stimulates protein synthesis and exerts a large accumulation of proteins in muscle cells. This action is associated with a moderate androgenic component, which stimulates the phenomenon of regeneration in the athlete, and allows him during a diet to maintain his muscle mass. Nandrolone propionate has been found to cause significantly less water retention than nandrolone decanoate. Nandrolone propionate is, therefore, a product more suitable for preparation for competitions, while nandrolone decanoate is more indicated when looking for an increase in strength and muscle mass. However, nandrolone propionate can also be used for this purpose. The improvements are certainly less significant and slower than with nandrolone decanoate, but greater qualities and the results are maintained after the interruption of the cycle. For example, the combination of 50 mg of nandrolone propionate every other day, 50 mg of testosterone propionate every other day as well as 20 mg of Winstrol in tablets per day constitutes a particularly balanced cycle with extremely good results. qualitative.

The side effects of nandrolone propionate are particularly small, they are minimal compared to those caused by nandrolone decanoate, and appear less often. Very rarely, nandrolone propionate causes problems with high blood pressure, abnormal increases in estrogen levels, and virilization. This is the reason why women can use nandrolone propionate once a week; in fact, due to its relatively short duration of action, it does not cause undesirable accumulation of androgens. Female athletes get good results taking 50 mg of nandrolone propionate per week, 50 mg of testosterone propionate every 8-10 days as well as 8-10 mg of Winstrol per day or 10 mg of Oxandrolone per day. It is important for women to take a 5 to 4 day break between each injection. In summary, nandrolone propionate is one of the safest, least harmful steroids and has a very satisfying effect. The functioning of the liver is not subject to any harmful effects and therefore nandrolone propionate can be used even in the presence of liver problems.


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