Top 6 Trenbolone Side Effects You Should Avoid

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Top 6 Trenbolone Side Effects You Should Avoid

Most men or women are afraid to use anabolic steroids only because of their serious side effects. None of the anabolic steroids is completely safe to use, but you can lessen all these side effects by studying all the details, especially its intake methods. When people search for anabolic steroids, they mostly find steroid side effects. Thus, they divert their minds and avoid it.

Anabolic steroids are not that dangerous if you take them wisely. You must understand the details of the product you are going to use in your cycles. weight gain or weight loss. Steroids do cause side effects. I have no objection to this, but a proper cycle with the recommended dose and necessary protection will help you avoid them easily.

This article discusses the possible Trenbolone side effects that you need to be aware of so that you can cycle Trenbolone carefully. Telling you about the side effects does not mean I want to scare you, but if you are aware of them, you will be more careful. Keep reading about trenbolone for bodybuilding and its possible side effects.

What are the possible side effects of trenbolone?

The trenbolone is the strongest anabolic steroid, so those who have chosen tren in their cycle must be more careful when using it. Overdose and a longer cycle can lead to the following side effects:

#1. Tren Cough

Trenbolone is an oil-based injectable solution that often causes a cough immediately after it is injected. This sudden cough comes directly from the fact that it can cause distress to the respiratory system. It has a powerful capacity for fat burning effects.

Tren can lower the level of oxygen in the blood and also restrict the blood vessels in the lung air and also bring irritating cough.

About 20% of bodybuilders have reported coughing up Tren after injecting it. Tren has very powerful androgenic properties which cause vasoconstriction and activate inflammatory lipids (prostaglandins). This condition occurs soon after the injection.

Tips to avoid it: Do not use frequent injections; cycle correctly with the recommended dose.

#2. tren flu or tren fever

Tren can also cause flu symptoms and make you feel depressed during a tren cycle. People may experience symptoms such as cold, heat, night sweats, nausea, chills, mild headache, runny nose, dizziness, and chest congestion. Don't be discouraged if you catch the tren flu; just make sure it won't affect your diet and gym training.

Tips for avoiding themr: Using the recommended doses in the cycle; a lower dose can help you avoid these possible side effects.

#3. male pattern baldness

Trenbolone's anabolic and androgenic rating is 500:500, which means it is five times more potent than testosterone. It therefore causes serious androgenic side effects, which destroy your hair follicles because it can increase DHT levels. These high levels of DHT can cause hair on the scalp to recede and thin.

DHT itself leads to miniaturization of hair follicles and causes inflammation of the scalp. However, the severity of hair loss also varies depending on a person's genetics. Trenbolone steroids do not have the same effects on hair loss in all people. Tren can especially increase the effects of hair loss if you take frequent injections over a long period of time.

Tips to avoid it: Use an aromatase inhibitor medication that helps reduce DHT levels and also allows you to avoid possible androgenic side effects.

#4. Suppression of testosterone

Most anabolic steroids can affect testosterone production. The same goes for trenbolone-based steroids. The use of trenbolone steroids suppresses the natural production of testosterone in the body. When you cycle Tren it can lower the testosterone level and cause many side effects of low testosterone in the body.

Low testosterone can lead to fatigue, loss of energy, loss of muscle, loss of libido, and more. It is therefore essential to quickly overcome these side effects.

Tips to avoid them – Perform post cycle therapy after trenbolone cycle. Post cycle therapy with Clomid and Nolvadex (sometimes HCG) will help restore testosterone production to how it was before.

Increased blood pressure and changes in cholesterol levels

The trenbolone has an effect on cholesterol levels because it can increase cardiovascular tension and left ventricular hypertrophy. Continued use of trenbolone eventually leads to cardiomyopathy, especially in people with a genetic predisposition to cardiovascular implications.

People with cardiovascular disease or a history of this drug should therefore avoid it. It is advisable to perform a regular cardiovascular training program during the trenbolone cycle. This will help lower blood pressure and increase blood flow to your heart.

Tips to avoid it: Do not use frequent doses of Trenbolone steroid. Take the recommended doses following the cycle method.

Mood swings

Tren not only causes physical health issues but also mental health issues such as irritation, anxiety, depression, and paranoia. All of these side effects occur because tren can impact the central nervous system, which can increase adrenaline production. It is therefore essential to avoid high doses of trenbolone-based steroids.

Tips to Avoid Side Effects – You will benefit from consuming every food in the diet as it can counteract the high levels of adrenaline during the trenbolone cycle. Rich foods or high protein sources can help calm the nervous system and help bodybuilders sleep well and get enough rest.

Trenbolone Dick

Trenbolone-type steroids have an anabolic to androgenic ratio of around 500:500, which means they have potentially powerful effects. They can therefore cause very serious side effects and severely affect the production of testosterone in the body. Trenbolone cycle can suppress or stop the production of testosterone in the body which can cause annoying issues in users sex life. It can also cause erectile dysfunction known as Tren dick.

Tips to avoid it: Long-term use of steroids based on trenbolone is not allowed and one should always perform a PCT after trenbolone cycles.

Other Possible Trenbolone Side Effects

Trenbolone steroids can also cause other side effects such as:

  • Acne
  • oily skin
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Anxiety
  • Night sweats
  • Insomnia
  • Increased heart rate
  • Hair loss
  • Change in cholesterol level

Like other anabolic steroids, Trenobolone does not overload the liver and kidneys. But if you are already suffering from liver or kidney disease, you should avoid this steroid compound. It is advisable to take a lower or moderate dose of Tren and a shorter cycle to minimize the risk of all the possible side effects mentioned above. Note that it is common for users to get dark colored urine when cycling Tren.

When you perform a cycle correct stacking of trenbolone with the recommended dose and protection, you will get maximum performance enhancing benefits. If you are unsure of how to perform a correct tren cycle, ask our coaching expert for advice. You should also follow the required precautionary advice.

Precautionary Tips During Tren Cycle

Never overdose and cycle longer than recommended.
Do not use alcohol or other drugs during the Tren cycle. If you are already using other drugs, please discuss this with your doctor.
Use the required protections and do not forget to cycle PCT after trenbolone cycle.
Trenbolone steroid is not advised for users who already have previous or serious health issues.


While anabolic steroids have side effects, that doesn't mean you can totally avoid them. You must gain a good understanding of these products so that you can achieve your maximum bodybuilding goals without any or very few side effects. The trenbolone steroid is very potent so you need to be careful when using it. All possible side effects can be counteracted if used correctly.

Use the cycle above to get the maximum benefit from Trenbolone and very little to no side effects. For any other orientation, take the advice of our coaching experts here.

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