
Proviron 10MG – Saxon

Original price was: 69€.Current price is: 61€.

Proviron is a powerful anti-estrogen and a favorite of bodybuilders. It avoids the feminization phenomena that frequently occur at the end of an anabolic steroid cycle such as gynecomastia as well as fatty and aqueous retention in the hips or breasts.


Mesterolone Information

Proviron is composed of mesterolone dosed at 10mg per tablet. It is not an anabolic but a very potent anti-estrogen. Prevents gynecomastia while decreasing water and fat retention, it allows the revival of testosterone production in the testes Prevents aromatization of anabolics also decreases water retention.

Proviron acts as a anti-aromatic: it prevents the aromatization (transformation) of anabolic steroids into estrogen. It thus prevents gynecomastia and can be combined with Nolvadex to increase its effectiveness. It should in fact be specified that Proviron and Nolvadex are two anti-estrogens whose mechanisms of action are different and complementary, and it is for this reason that the combination of these two products is so effective: while Proviron prevents the Anabolic aromatization, Nolvadex clogs estrogen receptor cells, preventing it from working. It is therefore a formidable tandem.


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