Human Chorionic Gonadotropin: A Health Hormone For All People
Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is important in early pregnancy. This test is done to check for the presence of the hormone HCG in urine or blood. The placenta produces HCG early in pregnancy. HCG can be detected in your body as early as the first week after fertilization of an egg. HCG tests can be done to detect congenital disabilities or to check if you are pregnant or not. HCG supplies the corpus luteum, an endocrine gland in the female body after ovulation.
TheHCG is made by certain germ cells that come from an egg or a sperm cell. Women whose uterus does not show normal tissue growth are always tested for HCG. The HCG test is also done to look for pregnancy and uterine cancer. Various HCG tests are performed after a miscarriage to verify that there is no molar pregnancy.
Note that HCG is of no use for women who use steroids because HCG is not warranted by women outside of medical use. If we are talking about men, HCG levels can be a measure to see if they have testicular cancer or not. HCG levels are detectable in men and pregnant women throughout their lives.
#1. What is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin?
Human chorionic gonadotropin is commonly referred to as HCG. It is a hormone that is found in the blood and urine of women during early pregnancy. According to one study, it is also called the “pregnancy hormone”. It plays an essential role in human reproduction. Additionally, HCG acts as an anti-rejection agent during organ transplants.
The hormone hCG is detectable in the blood or urine after the embryo is implanted in the woman's uterus. Higher hCG levels make you pregnant and allow your uterus to create a safe home for a new baby to develop. HCG is used for many reasons, both in men and women. Bodybuilders and athletes use this supplement for the purpose of weightloss. When you combine it with other fertility drugs, it increases the chances of pregnancy. In men, HCG helps produce natural testosterone and also helps in sperm production. You can buy HCG online here.

#2. The Function Of HCG In The Body And What Does It Do?
HCG is a hormone that is produced in the body during pregnancy. It maintains the production of other essential hormones like progesterone. It promotes healthy growth of the fetus and uterus. During pregnancy, after three months, your blood level of HCG decreases. The level of HCG peaks around the sixth month of pregnancy.
In humans, hCG helps treat hypogonadism such as infertility and low testosterone. HCG can increase one's testosterone production and sperm production, which can reduce infertility. HCG can also help men in gonad size, testosterone level, improve sexual function and fertility.
#3. How Does HCG Affect the Body?
HCG is excreted unchanged in the blood and urine of the body. Chorionic gonadotropin is administered by intramuscular injection. The half-life of the active substance is 30 hours. It has a follicle stimulating and luteinizing effect on the human body. The production of the hormone estrogen is activated and causes ovulation in a woman. In men, HCG increases sperm production and the synthesis of dihydrotestosterone and testosterone. Gonadotropin releasing pride in the hypothalamus. It is synthesized by the pituitary glands and affects the function of the testes; with its deficiency, testicular atrophy develops.
#4. Who benefits from gonadotropin?
The following people get various benefits from using chorionic gonadotropin:
- Late sexual development
- Hypogonadism
- Menstrual irregularities
- Anovulatory ovarian dysfunction in women
- Testosterone deficiency
- Dysfunctional bleeding in women
- Condition after genital surgery
- Certain genetic diseases that affect sexual development
- Eunuchoidism
- Frequent miscarriages
- Unilateral cryptorchidism
- Threatening spontaneous abortion
All of the above people can get benefits by using the HCG supplements. You can buy HCG on our site.
#5. Effects of chorionic gonadotropin
HCG is used medicinally and in active sports. We will see both the effects of the HCG.
→ Effects of HCG in medical practice
- Increases the production of sex hormones in men.
- Increases the number of germ cells
- Activates the sperm mechanism
- Interferes with reduction of testicles
- Activates the synthesis of progesterone
- Stimulates ovulation
- Ensures the formation of sexual characteristics
→ Effects of HCG in active sports
- It is excellent in weightloss
- Increases libido
- Preserves acquired muscle mass
- Increases the synthesis of testosterone
- Strengthens the effect of anabolic steroids
- Maintains muscle size and weight
#6. HCG for bodybuilding
There are two important factors for using HCG for bodybuilding. When you take HCG, it will boost testosterone levels in men because it works similarly tohormone luteinizing. Note that HCG is not intended to supplant AIs or SERMs during or after steroid cycles; rather, it can be exceptionally useful and should be used with caution.
The other use of HCG is to take injections in conjunction with a low calorie diet. A British doctor who has studied the treatment of obesity has advanced the theory that hCG burns body fat rather than muscle for fuel.
#7. What are the possible side effects of HCG?
When you take excessive and long-term hCG cycle dose, it can cause various side effects as mentioned below:
- early puberty
- Sexual development disorder
- Allergic reactions
- Insufficient sperm
- Migraine / Chronic headache
- Acne
- Mood swings
- Testicular hypertrophy
- Metabolism disorder
- Suspension of linear growth
- Nausea, vomiting
- Arterial hypertension
Sometimes it also causes muscularization in women, hair loss and increased body hair. You can overcome all of the above side effects if you follow the recommended dosage of hCG.

#8. The HCG cycle
The HCG cycle depends on individual needs. Here is the recommended HCG cycle for different purposes.
→ HCG cycle for anabolic steroid users
When using anabolic steroids, users need to follow a longer cycle of hCG dosing. They can use 1500 IU once every 4 days. The chorionic gonadotropin level is 3 weeks quarterly or every six months.
→ HCG cycle for rapid recovery
You can use a chorionic gonadotropin dosage of 1,500 to 2,500 IU every 3 or 4 days. You can perform this cycle for 2-3 weeks.
→ Post cycle therapy of the HCG cycle
It is necessary to perform a PCT in the hCG cycle. MDT prevents your testicular atrophy and prevents you from the various side effects of anabolic steroids. It also preserves your muscle size. When you follow the recommended dosage of HCG, it helps you to adjust the function of the hypothalamus - testis - pituitary axis. The hCG PCT cycle length is 30-45 days.
- Tamoxifen: 20 mg per day for 1 to 45 days
- Clomid: 50 mg twice daily for 1 to 30 days
- Gonadotropin: 2,500 IU for 1 to 16 days, every other day.
The above dosage is suitable for restoring hormonal imbalance after a 12 week cycle.
The hormone hCG is formed in the body during early pregnancy. It is used in the context of a pathology and to practice a sporting activity. To get effective results, you should perform the best recommended dosing cycle. hCG is the most effective sports durg to use. Above we have written the best hCG cycle. Many bodybuilders combine anabolic steroids with HCG to achieve more effective and positive results. Solo doses of hCG are not as effective as anabolic steroids. If you need advice from coaching from our expert, please contact us.
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