Order status

Your order will be quickly prepared (usually 2 business days waiting time if all products are in stock) and shipped.

Tracking numbers will be emailed to you.

Find our shipping times by warehouse on our shipping page: https://2getmass.to/fr/expedition-warehouses-livraison/

Your payment has been rejected. In this case, please contact our customer service.

If any of the products in your order are out of stock, our customer service department will contact you to arrange a replacement.
An equivalent product will generally be offered to you within 24 hours of being out of stock.

Your order has been sent. You will shortly receive a tracking number within 24/48 hours.

2GetMas.to sends automatic emails whenever the order status changes. If you do not receive the automatic emails, please check your junk or spam box. If you are unsure of the status of your order, please log in to your account to check it.

As soon as your payment is confirmed, your order will be processed and prepared.
Your order will be shipped within 24/72 working hours (excluding weekends and holidays)

  1. Check the status of your order by logging into your account and viewing your order history. Here you will find current orders and previous orders. Click on one of them to find out when your order will ship.
  2. Check in your email if you have received a shipping confirmation. This email will confirm the expected delivery date for your order and a link to the shipping company's website with the tracking number for your order.
  3. If your order has shipped, please check the expected delivery times via the tracking number to know when your order should arrive.

Once you have paid for your order, please complete the online payment confirmation form so that we can validate your payment and prepare your order.

If you have submitted your confirmation form and the validation deadlines have passed, please contact our customer service to resolve the situation.

Pickup status indicates that your order has arrived and needs to be picked up at your post office.
To collect your package, you must present yourself with the tracking number of your package and your identity document.