Purchase of Oral Parabolan

Find at 2getmass the best brand of Parabolan Oral.

If you want to gain muscle mass fast then Parabolan is the steroid for you. It will give you visible results in less than two weeks.

Parabolan is one of the strongest oral steroids. It represents a derivative of Trenbolone, to which was added a c-17 alpha alkyl group to allow oral administration.

Oral Parabolan is 120 to 300 times stronger than MethylTestosterone and shows no estrogenic activity.

Dosage and administration:

For a first cycle, it is advisable to take only 250 to 500mcg of Parabolan Oral per day for the duration of the cycle. A cycle lasts on average 3 weeks. It is then possible to go up to 700mcg per day on a second cycle, and to go down to 500 mcg for the third cycle.

It is important to drink plenty of water while taking Parabolan Oral.

And don't forget, at 2getmass.to, we are not just product sellers! We support each of our clients in the success of their sports project.

A product advisor, a sports professional and a nutrition specialist accompanies you at each stage of your cycle. All you need to do is complete the advice request form.

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