Why do bodybuilders use Primobolan steroid?

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Why do bodybuilders use Primobolan steroid?

You have landed on this page, which means you are thinking of performing the Primobolan cycle to improve your body composition and overall performance. With this article you will get comprehensive and important information about Primobolan Steroids. Primobolan is a unique anabolic and androgenic steroid which is also known as Methenolone. These steroids are available in two forms: Primobolan tablets and Primobolan depot. Before we dive into it, let's give an overview.


I. Overview of Primobolan

Primobolan is a popular anabolic and androgenic steroid which is available in oral and injectable form. It is also known as Methenolone. It is widely used by professional bodybuilders and athletes to improve their physical appearance and overall performance. It is an effective steroid to reduce your body weight while preserving muscle mass.

Initially it was used to treat various muscle wasting syndromes but today they are more popular as performance enhancing drugs. Primo has mild anabolic and androgenic properties, so women can also use these anabolic steroids without fear of liver toxicity and aromatization.

Oral Primobolan (Methenolone Enanthate) has an active half-life of around 4-6 hours, while Primobolan (Methenolone Acetate) depots have an active half-life of around 10-14 days. Primo is widely used to eliminate excess body fat, and it is not an effective steroid for gaining more muscle mass. You can buy Primobolan on our site.




II. Why do bodybuilders use Primobolan?

Primobolan is a well tolerated anabolic steroid. It is not an aromatase anabolic steroid, which means it does not convert into estrogen. It therefore does not cause water retention, gynecomastia or bloating. It is also safe for users because it has very weak virilization effects. Professional bodybuilders and athletes use this anabolic steroid to get a hard and lean physique.

It is not a 17-alpha-alkylated anabolic steroid; Primo is derived from DHT. It is not useful for bulking (bulk-up), but it gives effective results for the weight loss cycle. Primobolan is an effective anabolic steroid for reducing body fat while preserving lean muscle mass tissue. Moreover, it can cause very mild side effects compared to other anabolic steroids.

Primobolan steroids improve testosterone levels, promote LH and FSH hormones, and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). It is less toxic to the liver, and users should perform Post Cycle Therapy after the primo cycle. Primo promotes rapid fat burning and improves your overall athletic performance. It provides an excellent recovery rate and improves the user's endurance levels. We always advise you to buy thePrimobolan injection on the most reputable websites.


III. Primobolan Dosage and Cycle Information

Primobolan is an effective weight loss agent. It is widely used to eliminate excess body fat. Both male and female users can use this steroid to enhance their physical appearance and overall performance. Oral and injectable doses of Primo may vary depending on gender. Women should use lower doses compared to men. Here is the most recommended dosage that both male and female users can use:

  • The oral Primobolan dosage range for male users is between 100mg and 200mg per day.
  • Primobolan Oral dosage for women is between 25mg and 75mg per day.
  • Primobolan Depot dosage for men is between 400mg and 1000mg per week.
  • Primobolan Depot dosage for women is between 50mg and 100mg per week.

The typical length of a Primobolan cycle is 8-10 weeks. Users can cycle solo or combine (stack) it with other anabolic steroids. Most bodybuilders prefer to use the stack method as it is effective in achieving desirable results. Here are the examples of the most recommended Primobolan stack cycles:


Primobolan Stack Cycle for Weight Loss

Week Oral Primobolan  Testosterone Enanthate  Winstrol Oral
Week 1 100 mg per week 100 mg per week 100mg per day
Week 2 100 mg per week 100 mg per week 100mg per day
Week 3 100 mg per week 100 mg per week 100 mg per day
Week 4 100 mg per week 100 mg per week 100 mg per day
Week 5 100 mg per week 100 mg per week 100 mg per day
Week 6 100 mg per week 100 mg per week 100 mg per day
Week 7 100 mg per week 100 mg per week 100 mg per day
Week 8 100 mg per week 100 mg per week 100 mg per day
Week 9 100 mg per week 100 mg per week 100 mg per day
Week 10 100 mg per week 100 mg per week 100 mg per day


Primobolan stack cycle for bodybuilding

Week Primobolan  Testosterone Enanthate
Week 1 400 mg per week 300-500mg per week
Week 2 400 mg per week 300-500mg per week
Week 3 400 mg per week 300-500mg per week
Week 4 400 mg per week 300-500mg per week
Week 5 400 mg per week 300-500mg per week
Week 6 400 mg per week 300-500mg per week
Week 7 400 mg per week 300-500mg per week
Week 8 400 mg per week 300-500mg per week
Week 9 400 mg per week 300-500mg per week
Week 10 400mg per week 300-500mg per week


An example of a Sustanon and Primobolan injection pack for lean mass gain


Primobolan Post Cycle Treatment

Week Clomid Nolvadex
Week 1 50 mg per day 25 mg per day
Week 2 50 mg per day 25 mg per day
Week 3 50 mg per day 25 mg per day


III. Benefits of using the Primobolan cycle

The steroid Primobolan is derived from DHT, so it provides several positive effects, including that of not being aromatase. This makes Primo a powerful cutting agent as it induces a weight loss cycle and helps you gain lean and hard muscle mass tissue without any water or fluid retention. Here are the most common benefits you can get from performing the Primo Cycle:

  • Improved immune system
  • Promotion of nitrogen retention
  • A lean and tough physique
  • Increased strength and energy
  • Muscle mass growth
  • Suitable for women
  • Increase in lean muscle mass
  • General performance improvement
  • Improved stamina levels
  • Reduction of body fat

Never exceed the high dose limit or cycle for a long time as this can lead to various unwanted side effects.


The results of a cure of primobolan


Where to Buy Primobolan Steroids?

The internet makes it easy to buy Primobolan depot on line. You can find several websites that sell high quality steroids online at an affordable price. Make sure to buy original and high quality 100% products because many websites nowadays sell fake and legal alternative products.

A site like 2getmass.to sends original 100% products which come directly from the best reputable laboratories like A-Tech Labs, Dragon Pharma, Euro Pharmacies etc. They also provide lab testing for you to be sure of the quality of the products.



Primobolan is a mild anabolic androgenic steroid, and it is widely used for weight loss purposes. Primobolan is not effective in gaining massive muscle mass, but it is effective in reducing body fat. Primobolan is an effective steroid for reducing excess body fat while preserving muscle mass. Also, Primo is not an aromatase steroid, so users can use it without fear of estrogenic side effects like gynecology, water or fluid retention. It does not cause any virilization effects in women.

If you have any questions regarding the Primobolan cycle, you can directly ask our coaching experts at any time. Their advice on cycle orientation will help you achieve your desired goal with very few side effects.

Comments (10)

  • Milan Reply

    Dobry den, chtel bych uzivat Primobolan enenthat, ale mam strach z vypadavani vlasu…jak tento vedlejsi ucinek obejit ci minimalizovat?dekuji

    February 12, 2025 at 5:52 pm
    • 2GETMASS Reply

      Dobrý den,

      You may find that the Primobolan Enanthate is the first product to be released by the manufacturer, but it is the source of the cycle. I důležité vzít tyto faktory v úvahu, abyste lépe pochopili rizika.

      Dávka hraje klíčovou roli. Now you can see the rice you need to know what to do with it. Naopak, pokud se rozhodnete pro mírné dávky, můžete toto riziko snížit.

      Délka cyklu je také klíčovým faktorem. Čím delší cyklus, tím vyšší je riziko vedlejších účinků, včetně vypadávání vlasů.

      I'm sure it's a good idea, it's a good idea to use new steroids, it's a good choice, it's a good steroid. This means that you will have to wait until the end of the day. If you want to know how to do this, you will have to do it.

      S pozdravem.

      February 13, 2025 at 12:26 pm
  • Petr BLAŽEK Reply

    Dobry den, ke mi 53 let as tukem jsem byl celkem v pohode, zadne neprimerene zasoby se moc nekonaly. Po padesatce a vynechani cigaret se vse zmenilo, prestoze chodim cvicit dlouha leta 5-6x tydne. Usazuje se mi tuk na breeze a neni to nic hezkeho
    Nikdy jsem steroidy nebral ze strachu z vedlejsich ucinku. Docetl jsem se o primobolanu, coby bezpenemu steroidu. Zacal jsem ho brat 500mg tydne samotnybez testosteronu. .Mohu ocekavat nejake vysledky? Za jak douho resp kolik tydnu nabehne hladina primobolanu v krvi? Dekuji moc

    May 1, 2024 at 12:41 pm
    • 2GETMASS Reply

      Dobrý den,
      I listen to music, listen to music, listen to music, and listen to it, but it's not optimal for you.
      However, it is important to know that you do not need to use steroids. Our products include Clenbuterol, Salbutamol, Sibutramin nebo T3.
      Rád bych vás pozval k mému contactování prostřednictvím kontaktního formulaláře a já vám mohu nabídnout personalizovaný cyklus.
      S pozdravem,

      May 2, 2024 at 7:13 am
    • Lala Reply

      What if it was the first thing to do that? Děkuji za odpověď

      May 4, 2024 at 10:14 pm
      • 2GETMASS Reply

        Dobre rano,

        To avoid this, the oxandrolonovém cyklu (dávkování a délce cyklu). Preventivně je však vždy nutné udělat pauzu mezi dvěma cykly.

        S přátelským pozdravem

        May 5, 2024 at 12:07 pm
  • Roman půžo Reply

    Dobrý den dekuji za odpověď chci se ještě zeptat od jaky značky bych jsi měl koupit a jestli jsou tabletove formed věci rizika . Zmínil jste když je Primobolan považován za relativně mírný adukt, není beze zbytku bez riceika. A mě by zajímalo ty rizika každý píše něco jiného děkuji za odpověď s pozdravem

    April 24, 2024 at 4:39 am
    • 2GETMASS Reply

      Dobrý den,

      However, PRIME PHARMA does not have DEUS MEDICAL, but it is not possible to do so without the risk of infection. If you want to know what you're looking for, you'll be able to find out what you're looking for, and then you'll have to use the product first.

      S pozdravem,

      April 25, 2024 at 12:21 pm
  • Roman půžo Reply

    Dobrý den chtěl bych se zeptat, četl jsem že to je spíš na hubnutí ale se taky nabrat na tom svaly? A ještě jedna otázka co říkáte na tabletove má to věci vedlejší účinky děkuji za odpověď

    April 13, 2024 at 10:42 am
    • 2GETMASS Reply

      Dobrý den,

      I pravda, že Primobolan není primárně určen k hubnutí, ale je to stále možné. However, if you do not have any problems, it will be a good idea to do so.

      Please note that this is the first step in the production process, but it may not be the product. Jako každý anabolický produkt může způsobit nežádoucí vedlejší účinky.

      Jsme tu pro vás, abychom vám pomohli minimalizovat nebo dokonce eliminovat toto riziko vedlejších účinků poskytnutím odpovídajících rad a podpory.

      S pozdravem,

      April 14, 2024 at 10:27 am

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