Primo 100mg – Primobolan Enanthate 10ml/bottle – Baboon-Pharma


The effects of Primobolan Depot are for the most part similar to those of Primobolan tablets: moderate anabolic effect, drying out and gain of lean but quality muscle mass. Very good product for burning fat and getting dry.


Primobolan Information

The effects of Primobolan Depot are mostly similar to those of Primobolan tablets: moderate anabolic effect, cutting and reduced but quality muscle mass gain. Like Primobolan, Primobolan Depot causes a voracious appetite which promotes this mass gain. However, Primobolan Depot differs on an important point from its parent in tablets: the ester contained in the injectable form, the enanthate, appreciably prolongs the duration of action of methenolone which remains active much longer than with the route oral. This means that unlike Primobolan tablets which must be taken daily, it is sufficient to administer the injectable form once a week.

Like Primobolan tablets, Primobolan Depot has very few side effects and these only occur in a few predisposed individuals. The usual effects of virilization, gynecomastia or hydrosodium retention are not usually to be feared.

Primobolan Depot should be injected once a week. Athletes who have never taken anabolics start at 200 mg per week, while regulars use much higher doses. With a dose of 200 mg per week over a period of 2 months, a beginner can expect a gain of 5 to 8 kg of lean and lasting muscle mass.


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