
Pack 2GETMASS - Bulking Cycle - (Testosterone Enanthate) Eminence Labs

Original price was: 116€.Current price is: 110€.

8 week Bulking Cycle with the Testosterone Enanthate Steroid.

Enaprime - Eminence Labs - 10 Ampoules - 1ml × 2

One of the most widely used forms of depot testosterone is Testosterone Enanthate. Its duration of activity in the body being 2 to 3 weeks, it is usually enough to an injection of 250 mg per week to maintain a high level of testosterone. Testosterone enanthate produces a very rapid increase in strength and weight, with significant water retention and gynecomastia that is combated with the help of the simultaneous use of anti-estrogens.

Original price was: 58€.Current price is: 55€. each

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Pack 2GETMASS Testosterone Mass Gain Eminence Labs

8 weeks cycle + recovery

Table of intakes of the Testosterone Enanthate mass gain pack Eminence Labs

Week 11ml Test-E
1 Arimidex
1 Arimidex1ml Test-E1 Arimidex1 Arimidex
Week 21ml Test-E1 Arimidex1ml Test-E
1 Arimidex
1 Arimidex
Week 31ml Test-E
1 Arimidex
1 Arimidex1ml Test-E1 Arimidex1 Arimidex
Week 41ml Test-E1 Arimidex1ml Test-E
1 Arimidex
1 Arimidex
Week 51ml Test-E
1 Arimidex
1 Arimidex1ml Test-E1 Arimidex1 Arimidex
Week 61ml Test-E1 Arimidex1ml Test-E
1 Arimidex
1 Arimidex
Week 71ml Test-E
1 Arimidex
1 Arimidex1ml Test-E1 Arimidex1 Arimidex
Week 81ml Test-E1 Arimidex1ml Test-E
1 Arimidex
1 Arimidex
Week 9-------
Week 101 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
Week 111 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
Week 121 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex
1 Clomid
1 Nolvadex


This pack is suitable for intermediate athletes

The result obtained at the end of a cycle (weight gain, weight loss or lean) depends on several factors:

  • Food
  • Usage of food supplements
  • The training method and the number of sessions per week
  • Your body: if you have genetics that are favorable to gain or loss of weight

This pack is not recommended for women.

Users must be over 18 years old, avoid drinking alcohol during cycle. All the food supplements that you add to this cycle will be beneficial: creatine, protein, BCAAs ...

Your must follow a balanced diet for the duration of the cycle. You must train at least 3 times a week at a rate of 2 hours per session (you can work two muscles per session).

Cardio Advice

We recommend that you do at least 20 minutes of cardio 3 to 4 times a week after or before your weight training session to keep your cardiovascular system functioning optimally and able to withstand overweight or weight loss.

Note on steroid intake

All steroids, whether by injection or in tablet form, are always taken after eating (apart from T3-Cytomel which is taken in the morning on an empty stomach).
Anti-estrogens need to be taken at the same time as the steroids in injection or in tablet form, or in the morning or in the evening, but always after having eaten.

Protection and anti-estrogen

A conscientious athlete whether he is a beginner, confirmed or professional has a responsibility towards his body. We all want to improve our performance and acquire a dream physique but we all know that taking steroids can involve certain risks for our health: gynecomastia, infertility, stress on the liver ... makes a point of honor to preserve your health and strongly advise you to take all the recommended protections in order to carry out your cycles in serenity.


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