Masteron Review: The Complete Dosage and Cycle Guide

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Masteron Review: The Complete Dosage and Cycle Guide

Unlike other anabolic steroids, the Masteron is not often used in steroid cycles because many people are still unaware of its effects. If you are one of them, read this complete guide on Masteron. Here you will learn all the details about Masteron steroids. By understanding its positive effects, you may believe that it will help you achieve better results if you add it to your steroid cycle. So here is the basic explanation of Masteron.


Detailed Explanation of Masteron Steroid

The original purpose of designing this steroid is to be an anti-estrogen drug. This is a very effective drug that can achieve impressive results, especially when it comes to preventing serious problems with gynecomastia (enlarged breasts in men). This estrogenic effect is most common in bodybuilders who use high-dose anabolic steroids.

Apart from the areas of effectiveness mentioned above, it is also one of the most effective steroid compounds for significantly improving performance and strength. It also provides muscle hardness. It can also increase muscle size and reduce unwanted body fat. It is an injectable and oral anabolic and androgenic steroid that is derived from dihydrotestosterone. Here are other things you should know about this steroid:

Masteron is available in two forms:

→ Masteron (Drostanolone) Propionate

  • Chemical formula: C23H36O3
  • Active half-life: two to three days
  • Detection time: three weeks

→ Masteron (Drostanolone) Enanthate

  • Chemical formula: C23H36O2
  • Active half-life: 8 days
  • Detection time: up to three months

It is a relatively mild anabolic steroid with a low anabolic to androgenic ratio of around 62:25 compared to testosterone. Oral Masteron is not toxic to the liver like other anabolic steroids, and it is not an aromatase steroid, so it does not convert estrogen to testosterone.



How Masteron steroid works in the body

The Masteron cycle is often used by bodybuilders and athletes to improve their overall physique and performance. It works by binding to certain specific androgen receptors found in skeletal muscles. This steroid compound can interact with muscles and increase their size and hardness. However, this steroid does not bind to fat or bone cells. It can lower estrogen levels to protect men from serious side effects. Both men and women can use this drug to improve their performance and physical appearance.

Bodybuilders use this anabolic steroid to build muscle and gain strength without gaining weight. Masteron is often combined with other anabolic steroids in order to achieve optimal results in a single cycle. It generally acts as a testosterone hormone in the body.


What is the recommended dosage of Masteron?

The Masteron dosage varies depending on your gender and the form you are using in your cycle. Here is the recommended dosage of Masteron that you can use based on your gender:

→ Dosage of Masteron (Drostanolone) Propionate:

  • For men: 100 mg to 400 mg every other day
  • For women: 25 mg to 50 mg every two or three days

→ Masteron (Drostanolone) Enanthate

  • For men: 250 mg to 750 mg each week
  • For women: 100 mg per week

Even though it is a mild anabolic steroid, you should never include an overdose in your cycle as it can cause many health issues.


What is the recommended cycle for Masteron?

The standard length of a Masteron cycle is 8-12 weeks. You can add it either in mass gain cycles or in weight loss cycles. Masteron gives more impressive results when you combine it with other anabolic steroids. Here is the best masteron cycles that you can do depending on your level of experience:

#1. Masteron cycle for novice users:

  • Cycle length: 12 weeks
  • Masteron dosage: 400mg every week
  • Testosterone dosage: 300mg to 500mg per week

#2. Masteron cycle for intermediate users:

  • Cycle length: 10 weeks
  • Masteron dosage: 400mg every week
  • Anavar dosage: 50mg to 75mg each day
  • Dosage of Testosterone Propionate: 100mg every week

#3. Masteron cycle for advanced users:

  • Cycle length: 10 weeks
  • Masteron dosage: 400mg every week
  • Trenbolone Acetate Dosage: 400mg every week
  • Testosterone Propionate Dosage: 100mg every week

#4. Masteron Weight Loss Cycle:

  • Cycle length: 8 weeks
  • Masteron dosage: 300mg per week
  • Sustanon dosage: 400mg every week
  • Winstrol dosage: 30mg each day

Masteron is often combined with Dianabol, Testosterone, Trenbolone and Sustanon to achieve the best results when it comes to weight gain, while for weight loss it is usually combined with Winstrol, Anavar and Primobolan.



Benefits of a Masteron cycle

A well-designed cycle, as mentioned above, will bring you maximum benefits, as shown below:

Growth of muscle mass:

Masteron does not contribute to huge muscle mass gain like other anabolic steroids. However, if you combine it with a suitable anabolic steroid like trenbolone or dianabol, you will get impressive results in terms of muscle gain.

Excellent for weight loss cycles:

You will achieve a more muscular physique by using a cycle of weightloss Masteron.

Physics defined:

Masteron steroids completely change your physical appearance by increasing muscle and reducing unwanted body fat. It helps you get leaner and harder muscles.


Many bodybuilders worry about severe gynecomastia or bloating effects before using anabolic steroids. But adding Masteron to your cycle won't cause estrogenic side effects like water retention or bloating until you combine it with high aromatase steroids.

More strength and endurance:

Another reason to choose Masteron in your steroid cycle is that it will give you more strength and also improve your endurance level which will allow you to do more intense workouts for a longer period of time. It can boost metabolism and promote higher strength and energy.


Possible Side Effects of Masteron Steroid

Masteron steroids cause relatively mild side effects compared to other strong anabolic steroids. You will only face possible side effects if you take a higher dose than recommended or go on a longer cycle with this drug. Here are the possible side effects of the steroid Masteron:

  • Hair loss
  • Mood swings
  • Virilization effects in women
  • Suppression of testosterone
  • Joint pain
  • Cardiovascular illnesses

All these side effects can be avoided by taking a lower or moderate dose of this steroid.



Where to buy Masteron steroid?

The steroid Masteron is an illegal over-the-counter drug as it is on the banned list of theWorld Anti-Doping Agency. Therefore, people are used to buying Masteron from the gray market.

The other convenient way to buy Masteron is online. You will find several e-commerce stores or steroid websites that sell Masteron under different brand names. Be sure to buy only genuine products, as many companies sell counterfeit products to trick you into selling cheap products.

You can buy high quality Masteron from our site.



Masteron is an anabolic and androgenic steroid derived from DHT. It acts in the same way as testosterone. You can add this steroid in bulking and weight loss cycles to get more impressive results. However, Masteron in a solo cycle is not very effective, which is why it is often combined with other anabolic steroids. It is available in two different forms. All of the above information will help you choose the right form for your cycle.

Masteron has both positive and negative effects depending on how you take it and how long your cycle is. Both men and women should use lower or moderate doses to achieve maximum results and mitigate many side effects. PCT is also needed after Masteron cycle as it can suppress testosterone production in the body like other anabolic steroids.

Contact our coaching expert anytime for further advice on the Masteron cycle.

Comments (2)

  • Alex Reply


    I am currently doing a cycle of
    Testo E 250mg per week / Masteron E 200mg per week + Dianabol as a kick start of 40mg per day for 4 weeks of starting.
    Protection during the cycle of
    0.5 mg of Arimidex every other day

    At the end of 12 weeks when should I start PCT and what should I take?

    December 3, 2024 at 6:31 am
    • 2GETMASS Reply


      For a cycle involving Testosterone Enanthate and Masteron Enanthate, PCT should begin approximately 14 days after your last injection, as these compounds have a relatively long half-life.

      Good for you,


      December 6, 2024 at 8:29 pm

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