Sanofi is a French multinational. The group is particularly known for its activities pharmaceuticals and especially for its prescription drugs in the areas of diabetes, consumer health products and generics. In healthcare, Sanofi ranks third in the world.
The pharmaceutical branch of Sanofi is very dynamic. At the Research and Development level, it is responsible for the manufacture and distribution of a wide range of drugs. Its very high quality products remain very affordable. They are also very popular with patients, health care providers, and health organizations around the world.
Sanofi meets global regulatory, quality and compliance requirements.
Although the company develops and manufactures generic pharmaceuticals, Sanofi's success has allowed it to diversify its business into a number of other health-related areas.
Today, Sanofi is a trusted and essential member of the global medical community. Products pharmaceuticals of the company can be found in virtually all pharmacies and healthcare establishments in France and are exported to over a hundred countries around the world.
In the sporting environment and that of bodybuilding, the best-known Sanofi product is certainly the Lasix. This diuretic is also known as Furosemide.
The Lasix will quickly remove water and salt from the body. It will also block the absorption of sodium, chloride and filtered water into the kidney tubules, causing increased urine production.
Lasix is taken by many bodybuilders shortly before competitions, and sometimes up to two days before, to remove excess water.