Everything you need to know about the dosage of Deca Durabolin
Deca Durabolin is a 19-nor compound, set apart from other anabolic steroids by the legendary status it has achieved over the past 30 years. Deca Durabolin is also called “Deca”, and it is the brand name of the compound Nandrolone Decanoate. Deca Durabolin dosage includes cycles ranging from 100mg to 2000mg per week. This article presents all the essential information about the Deca Durabolin steroid, its benefits, dosage and side effects.
Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone) does not produce any androgenic or estrogenic side effects as it has a very low aromatization rate, approximately 20% of testosterone level. You can buy the best quality of Deca Durabolin here. When you take Deca, it will store some connective tissue water.
According to this study, during menopause in women, Deca increases natural collagen synthesis and also increases bone mineral levels. Therefore, bodybuilders and professional athletes who use Deca for both of these effects (such as increased bone mineral and collagen synthesis) should take 100mg of Deca each week.
Deca Durabolin dosage
Deca is the slow acting anabolic steroid, and it stops the natural production of testosterone. Deca Durabolin should never be used as a solo cycle. You need to combine it with other forms of testosterone. It is combined with longer acting esters like testosterone enanthate and propionate.
Here we are going to walk you through the best deca dosing cycle for beginner, intermediate, and advanced level users. Most bodybuilders and athletes prefer to combine Deca with other anabolic steroids to get the best results. Deca Durabolin is available in injectable form. When taken correctly, you will get the effective bodybuilding benefits of Deca Durabolin. Here are the three most common batteries to get the best results for different purposes:
- To achieve significant and high quality mass gain, you can combine Deca with Dianabol, Parabolan, Testosterone, or Masteron.
- To increase your strength, you can combine Deca with Anavar.
- To gain lean muscle mass, you can combine Deca with Winstrol or Clenbuterol.
#1: Deca Durabolin Isolated Cycle for Beginners
Deca suppresses the natural test release. In this cycle, testosterone is a necessary element. Users who want to use Nandrolone for the first time should administer it in the amount mentioned below:
Week | Testosterone Propionate | Deca Durabolin |
1 | 200 mg per day (divided into two doses) | 200 mg per day (divided into two to three doses) |
2 | 200 mg per day | 200 mg per day |
3 | 200 mg per day | 200 mg per day |
4 | 200 mg per day | 200 mg per day |
5 | 200 mg per day | 200 mg per day |
6 | 200 mg per day | 200 mg per day |
7 | 200 mg per day | 200 mg per day |
8 | 200 mg per day | 200 mg per day |
Pack 2GETMASS – Mass Gain Cycle – Classic (Enanthate – Deca Durabolin) Prime Pharma
8 week Bulking Cycle with Enanthate and Deca Durabolin Steroids.
#2: Deca Durabolin Dosage Cycle for Intermediate Users
The Deca Durabolin dosage cycle for intermediate users is 12 weeks in length. When you combine Deca with Dianabol, it maintains nitrogen levels and helps gain lean muscle mass at the start of the cycle. Testosterone is also present in this cycle to maintain hormone levels throughout the cycle. It is also necessary to perform a PCT at the end of the cycle.
Week | Deca Durabolin | Dianabol | Testosterone Enanthate |
1 | 400 mg per week | 20 mg per day | 100 mg per week |
2 | 400 mg per week | 20 mg per day | 100 mg per week |
3 | 400 mg per week | 20 mg per day | 100 mg per week |
4 | 400 mg per week | 20 mg per day | 100 mg per week |
5 | 400 mg per week | 20 mg per day | 100 mg per week |
6 | 400 mg per week | 20 mg per day | 100 mg per week |
7 | 400 mg per week | 100 mg per week | |
8 | 400 mg per week | 100 mg per week | |
9 | N / A | N / A | |
10 | N / A | N / A | |
11 | N / A | N / A | |
12 | N / A | N / A |
2GETMASS Pack – Advanced Mass Gain Cycle – Deus Medical – (Sustanon Steroids / Deca-Durabolin / Dianabol)
8 week Bulking Cycle with Sustanon, Deca-Durabolin and Dianabol Steroids.
While carrying out this cycle, it is essential to use Samarin liver protection, which helps you against hepatotoxicity. Additionally, Arimidex protects you against potential estrogenic problems.
#3: Deca Durabolin Bulking Cycle for Advanced Users
This advanced Deca bulking cycle gives you the best results in terms of a noticeable physical difference. It is intended for those who have extensive experience in the use of anabolic steroids.
Week | Deca Durabolin | Dianabol | Testosterone Enanthate |
1 | 600 mg per week | N / A | 200 mg per week |
2 | 600 mg per week | N / A | 200 mg per week |
3 | 600 mg per week | N / A | 200 mg per week |
4 | 600 mg per week | N / A | 200 mg per week |
5 | 600 mg per week | N / A | 200 mg per week |
6 | 600 mg per week | N / A | 200 mg per week |
7 | 600 mg per week | 50 mg per day | 200 mg per week |
8 | 600 mg per week | 50 mg per day | 200 mg per week |
9 | N / A | 50 mg per day | N / A |
10 | N / A | 50 mg per day | N / A |
11 | N / A | 50 mg per day | N / A |
12 | N / A | 50 mg per day | N / A |
Pack 2GETMASS - Mass Gain Cycle - Classic (Enanthate - Deca Durabolin) A-Tech
8 week Bulking Cycle with Enanthate and Deca Durabolin Steroids.
#4: PCT Cycle for Deca Durabolin
To avoid the side effects of Deca Durabolin, you should use protections and take a post cycle therapy at the end of the cycle. You can wait 3-4 days after completing the Deca cycle and then you can do PCT. You can use well-known supplements like Nolvadex, Clomid, and HCG. Here is the best PCT cycle for Deca:
Week | Nolvadex | Clomid |
1 | 20 mg per day | 50 mg per day |
2 | 20 mg per day | 50 mg per day |
3 | 10 mg per day | 25 mg per day |
4 | 10 mg per week | 25 mg per day |
The ideal dosage of Deca Durabolin for women
Women who want to increase their lean muscle mass and body mass index (BMI) can use Deca. Women have been using Deca in bodybuilding sports since the 1980s. However, women cannot use higher doses than men.
The ideal Deca dosage for female bodybuilders is between 50mg and 200mg per week. This dosage applies to cycles of six to eight weeks. Therefore, it is essential to start a cycle with low doses and gradually increase them over time.
Why use Deca Durabolin?
Bodybuilders and athletes use Deca Durabolin because it provides many benefits. Deca Durabolin is best for growth cycles. Sometimes it is also used for weight loss. Deca improves the physical aspect of steroid use in the same way as testosterone; that's why bodybuilders and professional athletes favor it. Here are the benefits of Deca Durabolin mentioned below:
- Improves muscle mass
- Increase lean muscle mass
- Improves your strength
- Improves your stamina and energy level
- Improves your stamina level
- Improves recovery time
- Synthesis of collagen
- Improves the production of red blood cells
- Maintains nitrogen level
- Increases testosterone levels
- Increases the level of oxygen in your body
- Ensures an anabolic environment in your body

Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone) is a very reliable drug for long term use that will help you improve your immune function and joint problems, It is very anabolic but slightly androgenic. Deca Durabolin is the best steroid for producing weight gains quality, but you must use Deca Durabolin for a minimum of 12 weeks. Bodybuilders use Deca either for their growth cycles or for their reduction cycles. For both cycles, it is essential to be aware of their body mass index (BMI) according to our gender, and according to our recommendation, do not use Deca if you are under 21 years old.
If you are looking for expert advice or coaches, you can contact us directly. Also, 2getmass provides expert advice on steroid cycles for free.
Comments (4)
Chtěl bych koupit kuru ale nemám zadne skusenosti. Cvicim naturalne 8 let 98 kg solidni postava
Dobrý den,
You will then be able to do so. However, the information you need is correct, but you do not need to do so, but it is optimal for you to use the cycle.
Abychom vám mohli co nejpřesněji a nejefektivněji pomoci, doporučujeme vyplnitář dostupný na následující adrese:
Therefore, according to your chosen formula, you will be able to choose the personalizovaného doporučení, but you should know that you are in the situation.
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