
The Best Peptides for Sport

The peptides sont une révolution dans le monde du sport, une recherche qui a abouti il y a à peine quelques années et qui commence a faire sa place grâce aux effets révolutionnaire qu'ils apportent. Plus communément appelé « liaisons peptidiques », un peptide est un polymère d’acides...

Calorie table to adapt your diet

Your diet should not be a constraint. Each food is composed of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids in more or less important quantity. You can compose your own menus taking into account the protein, carbohydrate and lipid contents of foods. You just have to replace one food with another...

Endomorph Training Program

Through this article, we are going to look again at the specificities of endomorphs in the face of bodybuilding and we are going to provide several tips so that you can overcome the various pitfalls commonly encountered. The endomorph type morphology is not perceived as ideal for bodybuilding because...

Training program - Ectomorph

The ectomorph is a slow-growing individual with a fast metabolism that makes it difficult to gain weight and build muscle quickly. The main problem faced by ectomorphs is weight and muscle gain which will be slow and will require special effort. If you are ectomorph and you...