The Beginner's Perspective on SARMs

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The Beginner's Perspective on SARMs

SARMs are arguably one of the most searched-for forms of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) on the internet.

But with so much information floating around, you could be forgiven for having a bit of brain fog due to the sheer saturation of information about SARMs.

However, this article is intended to simplify what you may have heard and what you may not know about SARMs.

So, if you are keen to cycle SARMs, you won't go wrong if you spend some of your time reading this article.

We start by answering the most frequently asked questions online about SARMs.

What exactly are SARMs?

The word “SARM” is an acronym for a group of synthesized chemical compounds known as selective androgen receptor modulators. This group of synthetic compounds is designed to be as potent as exogenous testosterone delivering anabolic steroids, but with far fewer side effects.

SARMs were created to provide users with bulking, cutting, and performance-enhancing effects similar to anabolic steroids. But unlike anabolic steroids, the compounds in SARMs bind to selected and specific androgen receptors in the body to provide the anabolic effects while minimizing exposure to serious health complications.

Through tissue selectivity, SARMs are able to limit cardiovascular, estrogenic, and androgenic side effects that are often associated with androgenic-anabolic steroids (AAS).

It is primarily for this reason that SARMs are quickly becoming a PED of choice among bodybuilders around the world, as SARMs are generally seen as a much safer alternative to popular anabolic steroids.

How safe are SARMs really?

It's worth mentioning that while SARMs may seem relatively new to the bodybuilding community, the first nonsteroidal SARMs were actually available as early as the late 1990s, while steroidal SARMs were first produced in the 1990s. 1940.

However, the bodybuilding community has only recently become interested in the potential of SARMs for bodybuilding and performance-related gains.

So far, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence supporting the safety of SARMs, especially compared to ASA. Although SARMs are not yet approved by the FDA for human use, bodybuilders who use a variety of cycles or stacks of SARMs indicate that this group of PEDs can be used safely, provided that users take the necessary precautions to protect their health.

First of all, potential users are advised to carry out a thorough medical examination and blood test before starting a cycle of SARMs, as this is one of the ways to know if they are suitable to take SARMs.

Secondly, bodybuilders are advised to carefully review their medical history before undertaking a cycle of SARMs. For example, if you have a liver health condition, you may not be the best candidate for using SARMs, as SARMs are oral medications that are known to cause a certain level of liver toxicity.

Third, the effects of long-term use of SARMs have not been thoroughly researched, so users are advised to cycle SARMs for short periods of time, as a safety precaution. .

How to administer SARMs

You can use SARMs in different ways, namely intramuscularly, sublingually and orally.

Intramuscular administration

Although intramuscular administration is not as popular as other methods of administration, some bodybuilders prefer to take SARMs via intramuscular injection.

There are several reasons why some bodybuilders prefer to inject their SARMs and one of the main reasons is that intramuscular administration offers much higher bioavailability, especially compared to oral administration for example.

This is because the injected SARM compound is not metabolized by the liver, but passes directly into muscle tissue and the bloodstream for optimal effects.

Additionally, injectable SARMs do not affect the user's HDL cholesterol levels, which protects them from cardiovascular complications.

Sublingual administration

Sublingual administration of SARMs is common in the bodybuilding community. This method of administration involves putting drops of the SARM compound under the tongue using a syringe or dropper.

Sublingual administration of SARMs is also considered a rapid way to deliver the SARMs compound into the user's bloodstream. Much like intramuscular administration, this way of taking SARMs offers rapid bioavailability, which helps maximize results.

Typically, when you place a few drops of the SARMs liquid under your tongue, you should let them sit for 10 to 15 seconds before swallowing the liquid.

The only major drawback to this form of SARMs administration is the taste of the liquid, which many bodybuilders find strong and nauseating.

Oral administration

Due to the strong smell and bad taste of liquid SARMs, many bodybuilders prefer to take SARMs in tablet or capsule form. The problem with SARMs tablets or capsules is that they are broken down by the liver and can cause liver toxicity in high dosages and/or long-term use.

It should also be noted that the anabolic effects of SARMs tablets administered orally are not as rapid as those of SARMs administered sublingually or intramuscularly.

Benefits of SARMs for bodybuilding

The use of SARMs has several advantages for bodybuilding, the main ones being as follows;

#1. Muscle strength and hypertrophy

SARMs are able to increase the size of your skeletal muscles and improve your muscle strength.

In fact, one study showed that participants gained between 1 and 1.5 kg of lean muscle mass in the span of 4 to 6 weeks.

Testolone 140 (RAD 140) and Ligandrol (LGD-4033) are two of the most potent SARMs for promoting skeletal muscle strength and hypertrophy. RAD 140 is also an extremely popular SARM in the bodybuilding world.

#2. Dry mass gains

Whenever you use SARMs and your androgen receptors are stimulated, it leads to increased lipolysis or burning of subcutaneous fat deposits in your body.

This process of lipolysis also occurs alongside the promotion of skeletal muscle hypertrophy to give you lean, hard, dry, vascular muscle mass.

Ostarine (MK-2866) is a SARM well known to bodybuilders as an effective cutting agent.

#3. Increase bone density

In the medical world, SARMs play a crucial role in the treatment of osteoporosis (brittle bones) and other bone diseases due to their ability to increase bone density.

Bodybuilders have taken inspiration from this and are now using SARMs like Andarine (S4), which offer very powerful properties in terms of strengthening bone density.

Increasing bone density can help bodybuilders avoid significant injury to muscle tissue and bones during weight training.

#4. Improved stamina

Building muscle mass requires spending a lot of time doing strength, weight, or resistance training, and this form of training requires a lot of strength, energy, and endurance.

Fortunately, you can increase your stamina and endurance levels with SARMs and Cardarine is one of the most powerful PEDs for boosting endurance.

#5. Ease of administration

As we have already mentioned, the good news about SARMs is that they come in different forms, the most commonly preferred being sublingual administration and oral administration (tablets).

Additionally, SARMs are very well tolerated and users can follow a cycle without fear of experiencing masculinization side effects, as long as they exercise moderation in their dosage plan.

Possible side effects of using SARMs

Although SARMs are generally tolerable and cause very few side effects, it must be said that you should avoid overdoing your dosage plan and/or duration of use during your respective cycle in order to avoid possible health complications, such as:

#1. Liver toxicity

Large daily doses of SARMs taken by mouth or large doses of SARMs taken by mouth used over a long period of time may be toxic to your liver because your liver enzymes (AST and ALT) may be elevated, signaling potential stress on your liver. your liver.

It is therefore advisable to only follow a recommended dosage plan when using SARMs and use liver protection supplements such as LIV-52, Samarin or TUDCA during your cycle.

#2. Increased blood pressure

Studies have shown that SARMs can cause a decrease in HDL (good cholesterol) levels in the body, while LDL (bad cholesterol) levels can increase, leading to a risk of high blood pressure.

The strain SARMs place on the cardiovascular system has been compared to that of orally administered anabolic steroids, which are also known to have detrimental effects on blood lipids.

To avoid hypertension and other cardiovascular health problems, you should include fish oil supplements in your SARMs cycle to help alleviate the decline in HDL cholesterol.

#3. Testosterone suppression

SARMs are known to lower LH and FSH levels due to excessive binding of the SARM compound with androgen receptors, leading to suppression of endogenous testosterone levels.

However, the level of testosterone suppression depends on several factors, including the dosage of the SARMs and the length of the SARMs cycle.

A PCT protocol may be necessary for SARMs users if they experience significant testosterone suppression based on blood test results to determine the effect of SARMs use on the hypothalamic axis. pituitary-testicular (HPT). Typically, the PCT protocol includes one or more SERMs like Clomid or Nolvadex.

#4. Gynecomastia

SARMs are known to inhibit both the 5-alpha reductase enzyme and aromatase activities, so there is no direct form of DHT or estrogen conversion.

This means you are less likely to suffer from gynecomastia (male breasts) when using SARMs than some anabolic steroids which aromatize and convert to estrogen in the body.

A before and after result of a MRSA treatment


The popularity of SARMs is increasing because this PED is more socially acceptable than AAS, while still providing users with significant gains in growth, reduction, and performance improvements.

Apart from the benefits of SARMs, you may also be exposed to some side effects and health problems while using SARMs. However, if you maintain a low to moderate dosing plan and cycle of SARMs, you should be fine.

If you want more information on specific SARMs and how they can benefit your respective bodybuilding goals, you can contact 2GetMass for free coaching today.

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