Trenabolan 200 - vial of 10ml - 200mg - SIS Labs

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Tren E 200 is only used by experienced users as it is a very powerful and very rough product. Its main effect is to produce harder, denser and stronger muscles, which makes it a popular product for athletes in strength disciplines, such as weightlifters.

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Laboratory: SIS LABS


Tren E 200 SIS Labs

  • Laboratory: SIS Labs
  • Form: Injection
  • Ingredients: Trenbolone Enanthate
  • Concentration: 200mg / 1mL
  • Presentation : 1 vial of 10ml
  • Dosage: Between 150mg and 300mg / week
  • Type: Firmness / leanness / mass gain stabilization cycle
  • Protection during cycle: Anti-estrogen: Take 0.5mg of Arimidex in ED (every day) or take 1mg of Arimidex in EOD (every 2 days).
  • Pct post cycle therapyNolvadex and Clomid during the recovery: 1 of each per day for 20 days.
  • Level: All Users

The positive points of the Tren E 200

  1. Produces harder, denser and stronger muscles
  2. Provides a very dry and scratched physique
  3. Muscle mass acquired drier, more durable and aesthetic
  4. No risk of gynecomastia
  5. No water retention

The negative points of the Tren E 200

  1. At very high doses it is possible to have quite harmful effects on the kidneys. We advise you not to exceed the normal doses advice

  • We also recommend that you significantly increase your fluid intake to 4 or 5 liters per day in order to cleanse your kidneys. (3 liters of water per day) Note that real trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate can be recognized by the pain that can be felt, even after several hours, at the site of the injection.
  • In high doses we advise you to take Samarin for the liver. If you use trenbolone with an injectable testosterone or boldenone you can mix the products in the same syringe to make only one injection.